I don’t wear a ton of makeup, but I definitely need something to even out my complexion and make my eyes look OPEN, so strangers don’t ask if I’m tired or have recently been crying 😉My makeup bag isn’t large, but it was bigger than I was willing to carry…
I realized that through the craziness of the holidays, I never got to do a recap of beautiful, charming Venice! The last stop on our 10 day trek, and I have to say, I believe it was the right place to end. Venice is a tiny marshland island that doesn’t…
Let’s face it – being broken into SUCKS.While we were in Florida this year, our house was broken into. Luckily we aren’t so fancy that there was tons to steal, but things like watches, family jewelry, cash, small electronics (cameras, iPod, laptops) were easy for a grab-and-go. The truth is, we…
We’re BACK! Italy was completely a dream… as pictured above. The weather was pretty mild and the crowds were minimal. I LOVED IT! I think November is a pretty great time to visit Italy, but that’s another blog for another day 🙂 If you plan on visiting Italy, make sure…
It’s that time of year… we’re all shopping for family, friends, husbands, co workers and the lot. That’s where gift guides come in handy! This gift guide is filled with gifts for the traveler in your life. These are all gifts that are compact, help in packing, aid in travel,…
Leaving work for vacation stresses people out. It’s probably why American’s only take about half of their paid leave every year… which is really sad. Working for myself has it’s perks, but there’s nobody to cover for me when I’m away, which means I have to do some strategic planning. …
I love being organized! Getting ready to leave for more than a long weekend takes a lot of prep work. Cleaning your house a few days before that might not seem like the top of your priority list, but I promise, you’ll be thanking me later. If you make sure you’re…