This might be the most unconventional fashion blog post of all time. And i know this is totally a girly take on football…. but i swear, i love the game! This just cannot be ignored.I’m not from Oregon. I’ve never been to Oregon (although, i’d love to!) – but i am…
Have you ever heard the worship song “It Is Well With My Soul”? I’m sure you have, even if you didn’t grow up in church. These are the lyrics: When peace, like a river, attendeth my way, When sorrows like sea billows roll; Whatever my lot, Thou has taught me…
Since a new apartment is around the corner (hopefully signing the lease at the end of this week!!! yay!!!), i am just dying to redecorate.Our living room is going to be black and white with accents of dark purple, maybe some grey.Our kitchen doesn’t have a lot of wall space…
I just thought back to the beginning of the year, when i wrote a blog on my New Years Resolutions. I thought it’d be good to see how i’m doing so far… This year (2011) i’m trying to ignore the fact that it’s a new year, and just get on…
As much as i like to travel, change pace, and see what else is out there…. i HATE packing. and i HATE moving. I mean really… it might be the absolute worst process in the world. You’re taking everything out of it’s place…. to put in heavy boxes… to replace…
“don’t fight change” was the advice i was given by my best friend in a brief gchat conversation today. i had to think about it for a second – am i fighting it? am i trying to control this situation? and i can honestly answer – no. but let me give…
Twitter hashtag of #musicmonday is always a favorite of mine! So i figured i’d share my crazy wacky album line up over the last couple of weeks. 1. Bon Iver (Self Titled) Still trying to figure out if i’m as obsessed with this album as i thought i’d be. But…