There are so many travel blogs & publications I read on a daily basis! Wanted to share some of my favorite links, articles, info graphics and tips from around the web this week.

- A plane seat that knows when you’re nervous? Crazy!
- The new One WTC opens in Manhattan on Friday! Here’s a sneak peak of the views 1250 ft in the air!
- There’s an app for that – it tracks where you’ve been wandering in a city (easily helps you find that cute coffee shop again!)
- There’s an app for THIS, too – never worry about lost luggage again!
- And just like that, the selfie stick is obsolete. These things look AMAZING!
- Japan wants its workers to take more vacation – we should follow suit!
- SAVE THE AMERICAN VACATION. A longer read, but a compelling argument!
- The cheapest and most expensive cities to visit. The list may surprise you!
- Epcot Food & Wine Festival’s 20th anniversary! Have you ever been?
- Going off the grid while you travel. I love this.
Hope everyone had a lovely long weekend! We stayed firmly planted in Nashville and soaked up some quality time with friends, truly relaxing, and enjoying the beautiful weather! We participated in our first Color Run which was a total blast, and I would highly recommend for anyone “intimidated” by running a 5k, because nobody is taking it too seriously. It was so fun! We also grilled out twice because we can, swam in our kiddie pool, and took NAPS. Can’t every weekend be a long one?
I’m off to the panhandle for a few days with girlfriends and I can’t wait! The Florida girl inside of me is D-Y-I-N-G to see some coastline and smell salty air.
Hope everyone had a safe & fun weekend!